# Making the web Svelter with SvelteKit ### Part 6 - Fetching data from the parent [Back to part 5](part5_slides.html) --- ## +page.js vs +layout.js - Just as +layout.svelte is valid for both the current route and children routes, +layout.js is also available to children routes - The ***load()***-function follows the same structure - Use +page.js if the data is specific to this route only - Use +layout.js if you want to also propagate the data to the child routes --- ## Renaming files - Start by renaming /src/routes/+page.js to /src/routes/+layout.js - The data is automagically still available at /src/routes/+page.svelte --- ## Create routes for the album - Start by creating a static route "album" by: - Creating directory /src/routes/album - Add dynamic route for the selected album using the album identifier: - Create directory /src/routes/album/[albumid] --- ## Load album-data from the parent - Create file /src/routes/album/[albumid]/+page.js ```javascript [] export async function load({parent, params}) { //Fetch data from parent const data = await parent(); //Filter out the album based on the URL-parameter params.albumid let album = await data.albums.find((album) => album.caption === params.albumid); //Return only the correct album return { album: album}; } ``` --- ## Add the album/[albumid] page component - Create file /src/routes/album/[albumid]/+page.svelte ```svelte []
Velkommen til {$page.params.albumid} albumet!
``` --- ## Onwards [part 7](part7_slides.html)